Improve Customer Satisfaction by Never Leaving a Question Unanswered

Customers are Demanding. This is How to Keep them Happy.

Well. Happier, at least.

Website chatbots have been around forever and they've seen varying degrees of success. Unfortunately, old-school linear ones tend to annoy visitors more than help.

However, when you leverage the power of AI and we train you Site Support automation on your business as well as your expectations, it can become an absolution game-changer.

This automation can answer questions, give directions, and solve problems on the fly. And it does so intelligently, automatically and without human error.

If you wish, it can be seamlessly integrated with our Booking Bot, so it will not only answer questions but it will push people to book an appointment with you. We think that is pretty cool.

The Future is Upon Us

I honestly believe that the websites of the future will consist of little more than some sparse company information and one big AI-powered chatbot smack in the middle of the homepage where nobody can miss it.

Very similar to what ChatGPT is doing now but your bot will be trained specifically on your company data.

Don't believe me? Chatbots normally sit in a widget in the corner of a website and visitors have to tap it to "wake it up". Look where I'm placing our Site Support sample widget below.

See This Automation in Action

Type in anything below to start a conversation.

Fair Pricing Based on Your Usage

Site Support Automation


Unlimited use on one site

Set up fee of $1000

Unlimited conversations

Unlimited messages

We train the AI on your company information

We thoroughly test the AI prior to implementing

AI Updates when your site is updated

Update your knowledge base whenever you wish

Free Universal inbox

Free Online Calendar

Free notifications of conversations

5 to 7 day set up

Free email support

Get a Free Universal Inbox with Your First Automation

A universal inbox is a central hub where you and you staff can access and manage all of your messages in one place. Messages could come in from phone calls, email, contact forms and social media direct messages. Switching between all of these sources to try to keep on top of all messages is a huge nuisance. Our universal inbox facilitates life and reduces the chance of opportunities going missed.

What is Required from You

  • Tell us what you want your Site Support automation to accomplish

  • Send us a CSV file of your FAQs or allow us to use your website url to train your AI

  • Tell us how you want your automation to display on your site

  • Give us a text number where we can send real-time notifications should you want to see the conversations

  • Optional - You can connect your social media accounts to your universal inbox if you wish to keep all of your messages in one place

This automation requires us to train the AI on the specifics of your company so it can answer questions intelligently. The more information you're able to provide, the better answers it will provide. This does not book appointments.

This automation takes a little longer to set up due to having to train the AI but once it is set up, it will work like clockwork for you 24/7.

What This Automation Includes

  • Programming of our AI with your company data so it can provide helpful answers

  • Thorough testing of the automation prior to activation

  • Updating of the automation so it continues to provide better information

  • The code to display your Site Support automation as a widget in the corner of your site or embedded in one or more of your pages

  • Live notifications of conversations

  • Access to our dashboard where you can see all conversations

This automation is really just taking normal FAQs and putting them on steroids. Try our sample bot on this page to see how it works and how cool it is.

This May be for You if:

This is NOT for You if:

  • Your website gets a significant amount of traffic

  • You're sick of answering the same questions over and over

  • You have a high bounce rate on your website

  • You're constantly getting phone calls or emails from people asking about your location or what you do

  • You are open to learning what questions people have about your business and where there may be opportunities for you

  • You hate AI

  • You already have a system in place to do this

  • Your site doesn't get a lot of visitors

  • Nobody ever asks you dumb and often repetitive questions about your business

  • You're cranky and difficult to work with

  • This is a lot of money at the moment and making this investment would stress you out

Site Support FAQs

How is this different from the Booking Bot?

Both solutions are powered by AI and trained on your company information. However, the Booking Bot integrates with your calendar and is able to qualify and book appointments. This Site Support isn't able to do that. It is more for providing information and answering FAQs.

How does this automation work?

A website visitor engages with this automation by tapping a widget in the corner of your site or typing something into an embedded automation on your page. The automation will continue to chat intelligently with the visitor until all questions are answered. All conversations will be stored in your universal inbox so you can see what people are asking about.

Can this automation be integrated with any of your other automations?

Yes. Any of them. This bot plays particularly well with the Call Capture and Review Request automations. Customers or prospects are often looking for further information in these circumstances and this automation can give it to them in a friendly and efficient manner.

How long does it take to set this up?

Our AI-powered automations like this one using take 3-5 business days once we get what we require from you.

Where do these conversations take place?

Great question. These conversations usually take place on your site but it depends on how the visitor found your bot. If they call and you have Call Capture set up and this bot ready to take over the conversation, it would take place through text

Is my information safe?

Absolutely. All of your data is stored in our SSL-encripted database and only you will have access to it. We can also delete your data after this automation runs but you will probably want to maintain access to your universal inbox as it is such a convenient tool. Totally up to you.

How to people react to AI?

Everyone is different but when the automation is set up properly (like ours are) most people are impressed and appreciate the fact that they get the info they need when they need it. Most people don't even recognize our automations as being AI unless you disclose that fact. Tap the button on this page and decide for yourself.

Eric Haaranen 2024